[Verbergen]Feeds On Rails
Because FeedsOnRails does so much load on our sever the service is quit. See Rss2Mail for another solution
Feeds On Rails is a webbased Feedreader, written with RubyOnRails and Postgres as databank backend, but porting it to another databank shouldn't be so difficult.
- Multiple users
- Tagging of Feeds
- Searching the article database
- Simple keyboard controll while reading articles
- Archiving of articles
- Import and Export of OPML Files
Keyboard usage
If you enable Javascript, you can press different keys while reading articles:
- Space: The article on the top is marked as read and is no longer shown
- u: Mark the last read article (with Space) as unread and show it again
- g: Open an window with the articles link
There is/was an Demo account here. If you like it, you can contact me at feedsonrails@spam.dokucode.de
Git Repository or direct with git
git clone git://git.brokenpipe.de/feedsonrails/