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Version vom 5. Februar 2010, 20:50 Uhr von Robomu (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Ethersex Entwicklung unter Eclipse Ganymede auf Ubuntu 8.04 LTS)
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Ethersex Development using Eclipse Ganymede on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Eclipse may be used on Ubuntu 8.04 to work with the Ethersex Source Tree and even to directly flash the target from within Eclipse. However make menuconfig has to be run outside Eclipse since Eclipse does not provide a terminal window for running external tools. This article shows installation and configuration of

  1. avrdude with USB support for Atmel AVRISP mkII
  2. Eclipse Ganymede

and reports operating experiance.

Build avrdude with USB support from sources

To use the ATMEL USB programmer AVRISP mkII avrdude requires libusb support. Here is how to build it from sources:

1. Make sure that libusb and libusb-dev is installed on your system

2. Download source package (avrdude-5.10.tar.gz) from and transfer it to a local install folder and unpack it with tar -xvf